Graduation Planning Project Summary
Publication & project summaries
Participant, graduate, and family members' experiences with planning for graduation from OnTrackNY
May 2023
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Amplify OnTrackNY project summaries provide an accessible overview of projects led by Amplify OnTrackNY, including the goals, actions taken, learnings, and next steps.
Project overview
What is the goal of this project?
This project explores the experiences of OnTrackNY participants, graduates, and family members with planning for graduation from the program. We also wanted to learn what was useful for participants and family members in graduation planning and what suggestions they have for how OnTrackNY can better address their needs.
What has happened so far?
Amplify OnTrackNY interviewed 6 OnTrackNY participants and graduates and 5 family members about their experiences with planning for graduation.
What was learned?
Below are some common themes that came up during interviews with participants, graduates, and family members:
Experiences of OnTrackNY team practices: Participants, graduates, and family members described a range of experiences with the process of graduation planning. Some described working closely and frequently with their teams throughout graduation planning, while others had a shorter planning period with less collaboration. Some family members thought that more outreach from their teams would have been helpful for staying in contact throughout the planning process.
Reasons to graduate: Most participants, graduates, and family members talked about the progress that participants had made in their recovery (such as starting school/new jobs or improvement in social skills) as the main reason for graduating. Some mentioned their desire to make OnTrackNY services available for others who may be more in need of such services as a motivation to graduate, and some talked about how they were moving onto programs more suitable for adults as they became older. Some thought OnTrackNY was a long-term program and described being surprised when they were told about graduation.
Concerns: Participants, graduates, and family members expressed concerns about the quality of care after graduation and fear of re-experiencing symptoms or negative interactions with the mental health care system. Family members expressed concerns about how to support their loved ones as they continue their recovery journey in various areas of their lives, such as finding housing, pursuing careers, and navigating social services.
Shared Decision-Making: Some participants, graduates, and family members felt that planning for graduation was a two-way discussion with the team, while others at times did not feel heard by their team. Having teams ask more guided questions was one suggestion to improve shared decision-making during graduation planning.
Suggestions: Participants, graduates, and family members talked about supports that were helpful in feeling ready for graduation, including frequent check-ins with the team about their goals throughout the program, reflections on progress made in the program, graduation celebrations, connecting to outside resources, and support from peers and families during and after graduation. Many family members mentioned that participants having updated crisis plans would help them feel more prepared to graduate.
What's next for the project?
We are sharing what we have learned, including these themes and specific suggestions, with different groups like the OnTrackNY Youth and Young Adult Leadership, and Family Advisory Councils and OnTrackNY Central.
How will this project make a difference?
This project is part of OnTrackNY’s effort to listen to and learn from participants and families and to make the planning and transition process of graduation better. The feedback and suggestions we received will be used to help ensure OnTrackNY continues to listen and learn from participants and families and improve OnTrackNY.
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