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About OnTrackNY

Learn about OnTrackNY teams, our services, and OnTrack Central


Sometimes, our lives don't go exactly as we had planned. We experience mental health challenges that can make it hard to focus on the things that really matter to us, like our friends, our family, school, and work. It can be hard when our lives change. The good news is, there are teams of professionals who can help us get our lives back on track.

These teams are called OnTrack New York. They can help us get and keep a job, get back to school, sort out our concerns, discover new skills,
and help us consider medication and other strategies for managing our mental health challenges. OnTrack New York teams are located throughout New York State. They are dedicated to helping us move past our mental health challenges so we can reach our goals. OnTrack New York teams are highly skilled. In fact, team members participate in training so they are equipped with the skills needed to help us achieve our life goals. This is important. Most of us would say we want the best, most up -to -date services that science has to offer. So that's why OnTrack New York professionals get routine training and support.

OnTrack Central is the name of the team that trains the OnTrack New York team staff. OnTrack Central is dedicated to making sure that we are getting the best, most up -to -date support that science has to offer. They are continuously working on making OnTrack New York services better. In order to do that, they need our help. That may sound surprising, but it's true. We know best what is helping and what is not helping, because we have personal experience.

OnTrack Central is serious about wanting to hear from us about our experiences with our team. In fact, there are actually groups of participants and graduates that get together and get paid for sharing their thoughts about what's helpful and what's not helpful. These groups are organized by Ontrack Central and are called the Ontrack New York Youth and Young Adult Leadership Council. We can join any of the Leadership Council groups while we are still working with our team or after we've stopped working with the team. It's a great way to give back. It looks good on our resume and it's rewarding to help make things even better for the OnTrackers who will come after us. It's also a great way to meet new friends. 

OnTrack Central wants to hear from our families too. Families have an important perspective on what's helping and what needs improvement. Families of current and former program participants are encouraged to join the On Track New York Family Advisory Council to help make the OnTrack New York teams more and more successful. Finally, OnTrack Central invites OnTrack New York team members to participate in making improvements. That's why team professionals continuously collect information and submit reports to OnTrack Central. For instance, data is collected about how many of us are returning to work and /or school.

These data reports are analyzed and are used to improve the program. Team members are also encouraged to join the OnTrack New York Provider Council so they have a voice in helping to ensure we are getting the most effective program possible. OnTrack New York is always listening, learning, growing, and improving. It's a learning healthcare system dedicated to making sure we are getting the best shot at overcoming our mental health challenges and having a great life.

Contact your OnTrack New York team today to learn how you can participate in our learning healthcare system.


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OnTrackNY would not be possible without the support of our partners:

New York State Psychiatric Institute
New York State Office of Mental Health
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.
Center for Practice Innovations
Columbia University Department of Psychiatry